Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan

SVA has a vision for an Australia where all people and communities thrive.

About our fourth RAP

SVA has a vision for an Australia where all people and communities thrive.

We believe this can be achieved when all Australians are empowered, have a voice in decisions that impact them, have a sense of belonging and experience social inclusion. SVA believes that belonging for all Australians requires, and is enabled through, specific recognition and respect of First Nations knowledge, histories and cultures.

This is SVA’s fourth RAP. It has been informed by the learnings from our previous three plans, alongside advice from internal and external First Nations stakeholders.

Through this RAP we seek to strengthen our vision for reconciliation, acknowledging our role as an intermediary who works with First Nations communities and organisations, and with influential stakeholders across the business, government and social purpose sectors.

Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan


We are pleased to share our fourth Reconciliation Action Plan as part of our work towards a reconciled Australia.

About the artist

Cyril Whyoulter’s mother’s and Father’s country is Jartuti. He is the grandson of senior artists Bugai Whyoulter and Pinyirr (dec.). Cyril grew up in Parnngurr and Punmu communities. He now lives with his wife and children between Perth and Newman.

SVA was proud to work with Martumili Artists to purchase Cyril’s artwork for our RAP. Martumili are an Aboriginal art centre representing the Martu people of the Western Desert.

SVA has a longstanding partnership with Martu people through our work over many years with Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ).

About Martumili
Cyril Whyoulter
Cyril Whyoulter
First Nations Practice Principles_

First Nations Practice Principles

Our RAP is underpinned by our First Nations Practice Principles. The Principles guide our work with First Nations peoples, communities and organisations.