Adam Davids

Non-Executive Director

Adam Davids

Adam is a proud Aboriginal man and descendant of the Wiradjuri people. He is a Fulbright Scholar, a Kenneth Myer Innovation Fellow, and Founding Partner, First Nations Equity Partners.

Adam Davids was one of the pioneers behind CareerTrackers Indigenous Internship Program Limited and CareerSeekers New Australian Internship Program Limited and has undertaken ground breaking work to identify global racial equity standards for businesses to make an impact with
underrepresented minorities.

Over the years Adam has established a network of leading academics, NGOs, and business leaders to promote equity, justice, and the self-determination of racial minorities around the world. His career and research have shed light on global issues around racial wealth inequality, the lack of diversity in leadership, and how to build sustainable and high-impact non-profits.

Membership of Board Sub Committees
Chair of First Nations Council, Member of People & Culture Committee, Member of Finance, Audit & Risk Committee

Former directorships in last 3 years
He is a non-Executive Director of CareerTrackers, a fellow of the Sidney Myer Foundation, member of the First Nations Employment Index 2024 Advisory Panel established by the Minderoo Foundation and a former non-Executive Director of CareerSeekers.