Amanda Brisot

Head of Engagement and Corporate Partnerships, Fundraising and Partnerships

Amanda Brisot

It saddens me that so many across Australia still experience disadvantage. SVA’s approach to addressing issues at their root cause through systems change gives me hope that it is possible to create a future where all Australians can thrive.

Amanda is Head of Engagement and Corporate Partnerships in the Fundraising and Partnerships team at Social Ventures Australia.  She is deeply committed to creating better outcomes for the community and brings her passion and business acumen at SVA to help solve Australia’s most ingrained social challenges.

Prior to joining SVA, Amanda led Western Sydney Business Connection, one of Western Sydney’s most respected business associations where she tripled membership and led a portfolio of highly successful initiatives and advocacy campaigns that shifted the dial for the constituents, the region, and the organisation.

Amanda brings decades of experience in corporate partnerships and engagement across multiple sectors. She is a member of a number of boards and committees across the arts, environment, business, and sport and is a finalist in the Western Sydney Women of the Year Awards.