John Harding

First Nations Practice Lead

John Harding

John Harding is a Kuku Yulangi (FNQ) and Torres Strait Islander (Peidu Village, Erub) Meriam man who was born in Melbourne.

He has extensive experience as a leader across the not-for-profit, academic and government sectors. He has been the CEO of Barmal Bijiril Foundation and Koondee Woonga-gat Toor-rong Fund, worked with World Vision Australia and Australian Red Cross, held academic positions at RMIT and The University of Melbourne.

John brings decades of experience working in the First Nations space. He implemented the First Nations Employment Strategies at Victorian Trades Hall, Melbourne Water, and The University of Melbourne. He also provided assistance to the Community Education Branch at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and The Koori Branch of The Department of Justice Victoria.

John is also a performing arts writer and director and has voluntarily worked in the pursuit of National Indigenous artistic expression in the arts and particularly theater for over twenty years. He founded Ilbijerri ATSI Theatre Company and was their inaugural administrator. John is kinship connected to many First Nations people and communities in Victoria and across Australia.

John has a degree in Politics and Public Administration, and a Diploma of Education from The University of Melbourne.