Susan Whillas

Employer Engagement Lead, Employment

Susie Whillas

Susan is the Employer Engagement Lead in SVA’s Employment Team, supporting employers to design and embed a bespoke workplace pilot to create quality jobs and careers for young people experiencing disadvantage.

Susan has three decades of experience as a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) practitioner, working with employers to improve workplace cultures. Susan also spent several years delivering DE&I programs for the peak body, Diversity Council of Australia. Susan is a preferred provider of Performance and Management Services to the NSW government and consults extensively on DE&I issues at work, including by designing programs and risk mitigation strategies, and conducting trainings, briefings, coaching and cultural diagnostics.

Previously, Susan worked as Coordinator (COO) of Waringarri Aboriginal Corporation in the Kimberley, W.A. supporting thirty emerging outstation communities with advocacy food, health, communication and education services on Country.

Susan holds a Masters in Mediation and Conflict Resolution from the University of Queensland.