Verity Lomax

Non-Executive Director

Verity Lomax

With over a decade of experience in government, including in the role of Chief of Staff to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Multicultural Affairs, Veterans, Volunteering and Youth, Verity is a passionate advocate for high impact social change. Representing Australian business in Myanmar, Verity led the Australia-Myanmar Chamber of Commerce, which was awarded the Asia Pacific Small Chamber of the year accolade due to their initiatives promoting Responsible Business practices and women in business.

Back in Australia, Verity begun working for a social impact advisory firm, Spark Strategy (a registered B-Corp), including with the Chief Minister’s office in the Northern Territory, co-designing their Early Childhood Strategy.

Currently Verity is Director of Housing, Planning and Homelessness at the Cabinet Office in the NSW Government. Verity is passionate about bringing government together with the not for profit, private and philanthropic sectors, to create lasting social impact. She is also a Director of Lomax Opals Pty Ltd.

Membership of Board Sub Committees
Member of People & Culture Committee

Former directorships
The Reach Foundation
The Australia-Myanmar Chamber of Commerce