SNAICC Early Years Support

The SNAICC Early Years Support (EYS) program is building stronger services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

SNAICC Early Years Support

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families have richness, diversity and strengths in raising children. They are experts in their own lives and are best placed to respond to their family and community needs.

The problem

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families continue to experience intergenerational disadvantage, trauma and discrimination. This stems from Australia’s racist history. These issues have far-reaching impacts on children.

  • 1 in 3 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples live below the poverty line.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are 28% less likely to attend early childhood education and care (ECEC).
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are more likely to have developmental vulnerabilities.

The solution

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families have richness, diversity and strengths in raising children. They are experts in their own lives and are best placed to respond to their family and community needs.

Aboriginal community-controlled organisations (ACCOs) can improve outcomes for children and families. Yet they face many challenges that inhibit their success.

We walked alongside SNAICC to develop the Early Years Support (EYS) program. The program aims to redress challenges faced by early years ACCOs. EYS has 3 locations – NSW, WA and Victoria. It offers state-based supports to over 60 early years ACCOs in these jurisdictions.

The model aims to enable a strong and sustainable sector. The EYS program supports, strengthens and enhances the impact of early years ACCOs. It responds to local needs and builds the capacity of the sector. It also supports the expansion of ACCO early years services.

While SNAICC are the driving force behind the project, SVA supports with implementation. As a trusted partner, we provide a wide range of supports, including:

  • program co-design
  • strategy development and advice
  • advocacy to scale up what works for early years ACCOs
  • data analysis
  • evidence briefs
  • fundraising and coordination.

Our impact

Throughout the country, ACCOs are experiencing measurable benefits. The EYS program is creating a lasting, positive impact on ACCO early years services by:

  • helping to strengthen Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices
  • allowing local challenges to be better understood
  • listening and responding to community needs and developing solutions collectively.

The EYS program is enhancing the impact of early years ACCOs. It’s working to make sure more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children can thrive and connect with their culture. This will improve development and wellbeing outcomes for children and families.

Our Aboriginal Community Controlled Early Years Services undertake truly amazing work with our children and families, but they often feel neglected or forgotten by policy and decision makers. I feel privileged to be leading the team, where together with our incredible services, we can build a future where all Aboriginal children and families can thrive!” Simon Fewings • National Director, SNAICC EYS

Our partners

SNAICC – National Voice for our Children

Get involved

We’re looking for partners to help us drive positive and lasting change. Find out how you can get involved as a program partner or funder.

Meet the team

Our dedicated Young Children Thriving team brings together diverse expertise. We're committed to improving outcomes for vulnerable children and families. Our team has experience in early childhood development, social policy, research and advocacy. We collaborate with stakeholders to drive meaningful change in the early childhood sector.