Response to the Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women

Our response outlines our views on improving women’s economic equity focusing on support for single parents, older women at risk of homelessness and, as a major employer of women, the charity sector.

This submission to the Victorian Government’s Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women explored three topics: Insights based on SVA research on the specific challenges faced by single parents; The importance of ensuring older women at risk of homelessness have access to safe, affordable and adequate housing (now part of SVA’s Older Women’s Housing Initiative); and the need for support for a thriving charity sector which is both a major employer of woman and integral to Victoria’s economic prosperity.

  • The submission recognises that while income support, parenting payments and early education and care subsidies are the responsibility of the Australian Government, the Victorian Government is well placed to consider specific supports and investments as well as raising issues of economic participation among vulnerable women in ongoing dialogues with the Federal Government.
  • Costings are provided that detail the capital and ongoing program and infrastructure costs required to alleviate housing stress, improve wellbeing and safety, and decrease down-stream costs of health, justice and welfare service provision for women facing homelessness. These benefits are compounded for older women at risk of homelessness, whereby women are able to stay in their homes longer and access the care they need.
  • Recommendations include: For the Victorian Government to continue to invest in affordable, secure and appropriate social and affordable housing; Maintain and, where needed, increase funding for government contracted services delivered by charities whose workforces are highly feminised; Implementing a similar model to the Social Sector Transformation Fund in New South Wales to assist in capability building and organisational transformation in charities.