Young people in Western Melbourne’s voices on work

Young people from Western Melbourne share what employers can do to remove barriers and be more inclusive.

About this report

This report was initiated by Social Ventures Australia as part of SVA’s Rebuilding the Carrer Ladder initiative.

SVA’s Rebuilding the Career Ladder initiative focusses on improving opportunities for young people from less privileged backgrounds by promoting changes in the hiring and employment practices of employers. It recognises that employers hold the key to improving job quality and rebuilding careers for young people. It includes practical support for employers through Employer Innovation Labs, as well as strategies to address broader obstacles to employer action.

Young people’s experiences and perspectives are central to this work. We, and the employers we work with, need to understand the ways in which different employment practices can improve or inhibit young people’s success in employment. Young people themselves have many ideas about how employers can encourage and support young workers. Through this type of research we hope to ensure those ideas are heard.

This research into the voices of young people in Western Melbourne provides a foundation for the work we will be doing with employers in the region. It follows a similar piece of work in Western Sydney which has provided critical insights for employers there.