
Our Champions are a network of inspirational change-makers. They support our work so we can give a voice to those who need it most. 

Champions can gain deeper insights into the work we do. They have the opportunity to attend events and exclusive engagements, test ideas and give input. 

Make an impact 

SVA Champions support people from communities across Australia to create meaningful, lasting change in their lives. 

By funding our work, you’re helping us to: 

  • build coalitions for change 
  • work across sectors 
  • build skills in organisations 
  • invest in social impact 
  • build evidence and thought leadership 
  • evaluate, learn and adapt new ways to solve social problems 
  • influence decision-makers. 

Benefits of being an SVA Champion 

As an SVA Champion, you’ll gain a deeper insight into the work you’re supporting. Our Champions receive:  

  • opportunities to network with like-minded individuals  
  • access to learning materials  
  • invitations to events, including research launches and discussions with sector leaders 
  • acknowledgment in our marketing materials. 

Hear from our Champions

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I’m excited to be part of a group of bold philanthropists uniting our efforts to tackle root causes of disadvantage in Australia. ” Jane Clifford Chair, SVA Champions Network
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Becoming an SVA Champion is my way of backing up my ideals with action – by supporting SVA’s work to change systems and better support our most disadvantaged communities so they can thrive. ” Daisy Mallett
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I wanted to get more involved in SVA because I love the rigorous, evidence-based approach it takes to addressing problems in our society. ” Rob Backwell

Meet the team

  • Karen Locke
    Senior Relationship Manager, Major Gifts, Fundraising and Partnerships Karen Locke
Become a corporate partner

Find out more about becoming a Champion of Change