
Our vision

We have a vision of an Australia where people with disability are full and equal participants in the community, free from discrimination, ableism and violence, and exercise choice and control on the things that will impact upon their lives.

Current state of the sector

The introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has created both a challenge and opportunity for organisations to do more for people with disability, and disability organisations are facing more pressure to transform than ever before.

The role we play

We’re creating a more responsive and person-centric disability sector.

Our deep expertise and innovative thinking guide our approach and the work we do. To achieve a better system we:

  • build unique partnerships and collaborations
  • support disability service providers to tackle their toughest challenges
  • help re-design service delivery models and chart new strategies
  • work to change policy for wide-scale impact
  • bring diverse skills and sector-wide expertise.

Our work

  • Synergis Fund

    SVA created Synergis Fund to unlock new ways to create homes for people with disability.

  • Limb Family Foundation

    We worked with the Limb Family Foundation to document the experiences of young people with significant intellectual disability and identify gaps in the system that are limiting them from reaching their potential.

  • Disability Housing Outcomes Framework

    We partnered with people with disability, service providers and others to codevelop a common outcomes framework to understand the impact of housing and in-home supports on the lives of people with disability.

Our impact

Our multi-faceted approach is helping to build a more responsive, person-centric disability sector. Through our consulting services, our SVA-lead inititatives, and our work in policy and advocacy, we’re working to secure better outcomes for people with disability. 

Meet the team