Current state in Australia

While employment statistics may appear positive on the surface, many people are still locked out of the labour market. Reasons for this include:

  • socioeconomic status
  • disability
  • homelessness
  • intergenerational or long-term unemployment and underemployment
  • ‘business as usual’ practices of employers.

Long-term unemployment and underemployment have far-reaching consequences. It increases the likelihood of illness, homelessness, stigma and social isolation. It can also result in declining work skills, adding to Australia’s skill shortage.

Our vision

We have a vision for a fairer future of work. We believe that everyone deserves a fair chance to work hard and get ahead.

The role we play

We work with government organisations, corporates and not-for-profits. Together, we enhance workforce strategies, increase social impact and improve employment pathways for everyone – regardless of their background. We do this by:

  • advising on best practice, from service-delivery models to equity in the workplace
  • support clients across the employment landscape to measure and increase their impact
  • designing interventions to improve employment outcomes
  • advocating to improve policies and encourage employment systems that are more efficient and inclusive
  • publishing thought leadership and evidence around what works.

Our work doesn’t just focus on employer practices as a key driver of better outcomes. Our expertise allows us to look at all sides of the problem. From factors influencing individuals all the way to service delivery, policy settings and government interventions.

We understand the structural barriers that lock people out of good quality work. Using an evidence-based approach, we find innovative ways to create systemic change.


Our programs

  • Employment
    Rebuilding the career ladder

    We mobilise employers and share evidence of what works to shift the national conversation and improve outcomes for young people.

  • Employment
    Employer Innovation Lab

    We support employers to develop and run a pilot program that addresses business challenges while creating quality jobs for young people.

Wunan case study

Consulting case studies

  • Employment
    Wunan Foundation

    We helped Wunan Foundation evaluate their innovative Journey to Empowerment employment program for Aboriginal people in the East Kimberley.

Our impact

Our multi-faceted approach is helping to build a fairer employment system. Through our consulting services, our SVA-lead inititatives, and our work in policy and advocacy, we’re working to secure better outcomes for people who have been locked out of the job market. 

Meet the Employment team