Current state of the sector

We know that 1 in 4 women in Australia have experienced physical or sexual violence by a partner since age 15. The impacts on children and families are significant.

Family violence is often a significant driver of disadvantage, whether through homelessness, mental and physical ill-health, unemployment or disengagement from school. For some communities such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse communities, the experience and effects of family violence are compounded.

Family and Domestic Violence

Our vision

We’re working with family violence services to support victim survivors and build lives free from violence.

The role we play

We support organisations working in prevention, early intervention, crisis response and recovery.

Our deep expertise and innovative thinking guide our approach and the work we do. To achieve a better system we:

  • support clients to develop clear strategies and measure the impact of their work
  • advise on opportunities to collaborate for greater impact
  • partner with leading academic experts and practitioners
  • work to change policy for wide-scale impact
  • bring diverse skills and sector-wide expertise.
Family and Domestic Violence

Our work

  • Family and domestic violence icon

    We worked with WEstjustice to document the School Lawyer Program and develop a practical guide for other organisations.

  • Family and domestic violence icon
    Berry St

    We supported Berry St to make the economic case for investing in early intervention programs in the child protection and out-of-home care system in Victoria.

Meet the team