Current state

The law underpins many parts of everyday life – housing, work, family, and education. But many people face significant barriers in accessing justice including affordability, geography, availability and cultural appropriateness. Legal problems can lead to financial strain, stress-related illness, relationship breakdown, and other adverse consequences.


Our vision

We’re working to ensure people have access to justice and receive appropriate, accessible and affordable legal support at the right time.

The role we play

Our deep expertise and innovative thinking guide our approach and the work we do. To achieve a better system we:

  • support clients to develop clear strategies and measure the impact of their work
  • advise on opportunities to collaborate for greater impact
  • partner with leading academic experts and practitioners
  • work to change policy for wide-scale impact
  • bring diverse skills and sector-wide expertise.

Our work

  • Justice icon
    Marram-Ngala Ganbu

    Our evaluation of M-NG found the program improves outcomes for Koori children and families.

  • Justice icon
    Koori Justice Unit

    We helped develop a service model to deliver a family-centred approach for Aboriginal families involved with the justice system.

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    We worked with WEstjustice to document the School Lawyer Program and develop a practical guide for other organisations.

Meet the team