After more than 50 years of production, manganese mining on Groote Eylandt is set to wind-down over the next 10 years. We have been working for three years with the Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC) and mining owner/operator South32 to develop a set of initiatives that will help to create a future economy for the island.

Together, we are working towards the community’s long-term vision of protecting culture, becoming self-sufficient and creating pathways for youth to stand in both worlds.

Project impact

While the project is ongoing, each of the initiatives are expected to contribute to the community’s long-term vision. Success will be measured against shorter-term economic, social, cultural, political and community outcomes.

The project

With manganese mining on Groote Eylandt set to wind-down over the next 10 years, the ALC and South32 needed to develop a plan to secure the economic future of the community.

The objective

To develop a future strategy for Groote Eyelandt, securing the community’s long-term vision of protecting culture, becoming self-sufficient and creating pathways for youth.

The role we played

We worked closely with the ALC to understand the current economic and social situation on the island, the community’s aspirations and economic opportunities. We developed a set of options for economic development, including local job creation, cultural alignment and potential revenue. These were underpinned by an understanding of the need to develop private investment, institutions and community organisations. From here we developed a roadmap to implementation for each initiative.

We continue to support implementation of the strategy through ongoing coordination and facilitation of the Future Groote Committee. Participation in Committee meetings is open to all Traditional Owners, as well as representatives of the 26 Anindilyakwa organisations including the ALC. The Northern Territory Government, National Indigenous Australians Agency and South32 participate in Future Groote Committee meetings as observers.