20 years for research to reach the classroom
$50 million secured from government to create AERO

Our Impact

Evidence for Learning (E4L) demonstrated the importance of sharing evidence across the education system. It contributed to the creation of the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO). With AERO in place, we can make sure all children in Australia get the best possible education.

Vision and objective

We created E4L to improve the quality of education for all children in Australia. Our goal was to make best practice common practice in education. Through E4L, we wanted to speed-up the translation of evidence from academic research and put it into the hands of busy educators.

Role we played

To achieve our goal, we:

  • identified that education research is taking too long to get into the classroom
  • incubated the E4L program to test and prove the impact of a national evidence institute
  • took academic research and made it accessible and actionable for teachers
  • built the evidence-base for the role of a national evidence institute
  • shared our findings and advocated to government to create a new education evidence organisation.


E4L demonstrated the positive impact of a national evidence institute for Australian students. Federal and state governments committed $50 million to create AERO. AERO continues the work of E4L, making sure all children in Australia get the best possible education.

Meet the team