Experienced social sector leader Sarah Davies joins SVA Board

Social Ventures Australia (SVA) welcomes Sarah Davies AM as a new director on the SVA Board.

Sarah’s career has spanned the tertiary education, private consultancy, and not-for-profit sectors, with roles in strategy, HR and marketing. For the past fifteen years she has focused on social purpose leadership, with CEO roles at Philanthropy Australia, The Reach Foundation and The Australian Communities Foundation. She is currently CEO at the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, dedicated to creating a safer online and offline world for children.

Sarah has also served on a number of Boards, including current appointments with Teach for Australia, Xfactor Collective Foundation, and as a Council Member at the National Museum of Australia.

SVA Board Chair Rob Koczkar welcomed Sarah to the Board, saying:

‘We are very excited to have Sarah on the SVA Board, having witnessed her contribution to social change in Australia over many years now.

‘Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge in the issues and capabilities SVA is known for, and a collaborative and impact-focused approach that I know will be an outstanding contribution to our collective work.’

Sarah said she was delighted to join the SVA Board in pursuit of shared objectives, commenting:

‘I have been working with SVA in one form or another since its inception, as a client, partner and ally.

‘I share SVA’s desire to support and enable communities and systems to deliberately and intentionally build equity and inclusion and address disadvantage, and I believe the for-purpose sector has a central role in this effort.’

SVA Acting CEO Matt Deeble joined Rob Koczkar in welcoming the new Board appointee:

‘We are extremely fortunate to have a diverse and experienced Board at SVA and I know Sarah will add an uniquely valuable perspective to our shared efforts to create an Australia where all people and communities thrive. We look forward to working even more closely with her.’

Sarah Davies joins Cindy Reese Mitchell, Verity Lomax, Adam Davids, Robert Fitzgerald AM, Tanya Gilerman, Chris Harrop and Daisy Mallett as Board directors, along with Chair Rob Koczkar and CEO Suzie Riddell.

Board governance details.