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The Quarterly shares insights from our work and across the sector, to prompt learning and discussion about effective practice.

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73 to 78 of 271 results
Extended benefits of an SROI report 
Extended benefits of an SROI report
  • Quarterly article
Extended benefits of an SROI report  Measurement and evaluation, Outcomes management

There can be additional benefits from an SROI analysis if it is approached in the right way.

  • Charities and social sector
Getting the most out of SROI
Getting the most out of SROI
  • Quarterly article
Getting the most out of SROI Measurement and evaluation, Outcomes management

A full Social Return on Investment (SROI) report isn’t the only way to benefit from applying the SROI framework.

  • Charities and social sector
Enhancing the impact of early childhood hubs in Australia
  • Case studies
Enhancing the impact of early childhood hubs in Australia

Discussion paper exploring the landscape of early childhood hubs models, factors influencing their effectiveness and recommendations to enhance their impact.

  • Early Years
Early childhood hubs: exploring need, funding models, and a national approach
  • Publication
Early childhood hubs: exploring need, funding models, and a national approach

We are seeking to transform the early childhood development landscape so that children experiencing vulnerability have access to high-quality, integrated supports.

  • Early Years
Annual Review 2019-2020
  • Publication
Annual Review 2019-2020

SVA is Australia’s most innovative social impact organisation. Our annual review shares highlights from our life-changing work over the past year.

Suzie Riddell to step down from her role as SVA CEO in late 2024 
  • News
Suzie Riddell to step down from her role as SVA CEO in late 2024 
  • Charities and social sector
Social impact bonds: a tale of three Newpins (podcast)
  • Podcasts
Social impact bonds: a tale of three Newpins (podcast)

Elyse Sainty talks with Patrick Bollen about the Newpin family reunification program deployed under the Social Impact Bond (SIB) mechanism in three states and about what SVA has learned.

  • Early Years
Social impact bonds: a letter from the frontline (audio)
  • Podcasts
Social impact bonds: a letter from the frontline (audio)

After seven years ‘in the trenches’ as part of Australia’s foray into social impact bonds, Elyse Sainty shares her insights around SIB myths and legends.

  • Charities and social sector
Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan
Cyril Whyoulter
  • Publication
Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan

SVA has a vision for an Australia where all people and communities thrive.

  • First Nations