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The Quarterly shares insights from our work and across the sector, to prompt learning and discussion about effective practice.

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79 to 84 of 271 results
Evidence scan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
  • Publication
Evidence scan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
  • Education
Evidence scan of educational interventions for children in out-of-home care
  • Publication
Evidence scan of educational interventions for children in out-of-home care
  • Education
Evidence scan for Children and young people disengaged
  • Publication
Evidence scan for Children and young people disengaged

Evidence on the effectiveness of policies, programs, practices and interventions aimed at strengthening educational and wellbeing outcomes for people highly disengaged from education.

  • Education
Gunaikurnai Traditional Owner Land Management Board
Gunaikurnai Traditional Owner Land Management Board
  • Case studies
Gunaikurnai Traditional Owner Land Management Board

SVA was engaged to develop a strategic plan for how the Gunaikurnai people and Victorian Government partners would implement joint management in the parks and reserves on Gunaikurnai Country.

  • First Nations
The Connection report
  • Publication
The Connection report

The Connection is a Collaborative Leadership Development Network created and run by SVA that has achieved educational improvements in 50 Australian schools across NSW, SA and Victoria.

  • Education
Education perspective: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
  • Publication
Education perspective: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children

An evidence-based perspective on the drivers of better educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

  • Education
Education perspective: Children disengaged from education
  • Publication
Education perspective: Children disengaged from education

An evidence-based perspective on the drivers of better educational outcomes for children and young people disengaged from education.

  • Education
Education perspective: Children in out-of-home care
  • Publication
Education perspective: Children in out-of-home care

An evidence-based perspective on the drivers of better educational outcomes for children in out-of-home care.

  • Education
Education perspective paper
  • Publication
Education perspective paper

An evidence-based perspective on the actions and drivers required to promote equity and a high-quality education system for all.

  • Education