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The Quarterly shares insights from our work and across the sector, to prompt learning and discussion about effective practice.

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7 to 12 of 97 results
How ‘help seekers’ are informing Lifeline’s digital service innovation
How ‘help seekers’ are informing Lifeline’s digital service innovation
  • Quarterly article
How ‘help seekers’ are informing Lifeline’s digital service innovation Organisational effectiveness

This story from the field demonstrates how Lifeline Australia brought the beneficiary voice and experience into developing a text-based, crisis support service.

  • Health and wellbeing
The Uluru Statement from the Heart: what now?
The Uluru Statement from the Heart, what now
  • Quarterly article
The Uluru Statement from the Heart: what now?

Professor Megan Davis, the Balnaves Chair in Constitutional Law and Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous at the University of NSW, and primary architect of the regional dialogues behind the Uluru Statement from the Heart, talks to SVA’s CEO Suzie Riddell about the Statement, where it is up to and why it is so important.

  • First Nations
New model for financing affordable housing
New model for financing affordable housing
  • Quarterly article
New model for financing affordable housing Impact investing

A housing finance ‘aggregator’ is one solution for attracting more private capital into the affordable housing market. This article explains how it would work and how it fits with other policy options available to Federal and state governments.

  • Housing and homelessness
Indigenous evaluation: how you do it is as important as what you find out
Indigenous evaluation, how you do it is as important as what you find out
  • Quarterly article
Indigenous evaluation: how you do it is as important as what you find out Measurement and evaluation

Indigenous evaluation case study: how we did it, why the process was important, the critical insights we gained along the way and resulting implications for not only the client, Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa and Martu people, but also for evaluators and Indigenous program and policy makers.

  • First Nations
Goodstart: steering a social enterprise for impact
Goodstart, steering a social enterprise for impact
  • Quarterly article
Goodstart: steering a social enterprise for impact Strategy, Systems change

SVA’s incoming CEO, Suzie Riddell, asks Goodstart how, as a social enterprise, it balances its commercial and social goals; and what role influencing the system plays in meeting its purpose.

  • Early Years
How can evaluation better recognise Indigenous self-determination?
How can evaluation better recognise Indigenous self-determination
  • Quarterly article
How can evaluation better recognise Indigenous self-determination? Measurement and evaluation

The right of Indigenous peoples to self-determination has significant implications for evaluating policies and programs that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and experts are showing the way.

  • First Nations
Implementation science: what is it?
Implementation science, what is it
  • Quarterly article
Implementation science: what is it? Organisational effectiveness

The social sector needs to take notice of this growing field that’s driving better interventions in health, education, and human services.

  • Early Years
  • Education
  • Health and wellbeing
Accessing PAFs: six rules of engagement
Accessing PAFs, six rules of engagement
  • Quarterly article
Accessing PAFs: six rules of engagement Philanthropy

Fiona Higgins from Australian Philanthropic Services illuminates the realities of private ancillary funds (PAFs) and what it takes to position your organisation for that serendipitous alignment.

  • Charities and social sector
Aiming high – what it takes
Aiming high – what it takes
  • Quarterly article
Aiming high – what it takes Philanthropy, Systems change

What the Indigenous student mentoring organisation, AIME Mentoring’s CEO, Jack Manning Bancroft can teach us about founding and scaling a social purpose organisation and the philanthropy needed. Jack talks to SVA’s Dave Williams.

  • Education
  • First Nations