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The Quarterly shares insights from our work and across the sector, to prompt learning and discussion about effective practice.

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127 to 132 of 273 results
SVA joins over 70 RAP Partners to support First Nations Voice to Parliament
  • News
SVA joins over 70 RAP Partners to support First Nations Voice to Parliament
  • First Nations
Pioneering partnership to reduce reoffending in Victoria by providing housing and support
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Pioneering partnership to reduce reoffending in Victoria by providing housing and support
  • Charities and social sector
SVA thanks outgoing Board director Tanya Gilerman and welcomes Diana Radcliffe
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SVA thanks outgoing Board director Tanya Gilerman and welcomes Diana Radcliffe
  • Charities and social sector
New research identifies best locations for Victorian Government’s 20 new early learning centres to maximise impact on children and families
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New research identifies best locations for Victorian Government’s 20 new early learning centres to maximise impact on children and families
  • Early Years
Social Ventures Australia awarded Best CSR Innovation in AFR BOSS Most Innovative Companies for 2023
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Social Ventures Australia awarded Best CSR Innovation in AFR BOSS Most Innovative Companies for 2023
  • Charities and social sector
Statement on 26 January
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Statement on 26 January
  • First Nations
On our 20th anniversary, SVA asks ‘what will it take to get disadvantage to zero in Australia?’
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On our 20th anniversary, SVA asks ‘what will it take to get disadvantage to zero in Australia?’
  • Charities and social sector
Experienced social sector leader Sarah Davies joins SVA Board
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Experienced social sector leader Sarah Davies joins SVA Board
  • Charities and social sector
Social Ventures Australia awarded Best Workplace 2021
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Social Ventures Australia awarded Best Workplace 2021
  • Charities and social sector