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157 to 162 of 271 results
New Chief Strategy Officer and two Directors join SVA
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New Chief Strategy Officer and two Directors join SVA
  • Employment
Three drivers of better mental health outcomes that will lead to a happier, healthier Australia
  • News
Three drivers of better mental health outcomes that will lead to a happier, healthier Australia
  • Health and wellbeing
Investing in scalable model to help address housing affordability
  • News
Investing in scalable model to help address housing affordability
  • Housing and homelessness
Ensuring people with disability have a voice on policy, can exercise choice over support, and full access to services is key to better outcomes
  • News
Ensuring people with disability have a voice on policy, can exercise choice over support, and full access to services is key to better outcomes

People with disability in Australia must be given a voice on policy, full access to services, and be recognised as those best placed to make decisions over the services and supports most appropriate for their needs, according to a new report from Social Ventures Australia (SVA).

  • Disability
Response to the Commonwealth Government’s Social Impact Investing Discussion Paper
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Response to the Commonwealth Government’s Social Impact Investing Discussion Paper

Our submission recommends a series of initiatives through which the Commonwealth Government could support the Australian social impact investing market to grow and deliver better social outcomes.

Submission to the Council on Federal Financial Relations Affordable Housing Working Group
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Submission to the Council on Federal Financial Relations Affordable Housing Working Group

In this joint submission, SVA shares its recommendations on the drivers of improving housing outcomes along with key recommendations to support more social and affordable housing.

Response to the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools
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Response to the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools

SVA’s submission to the Review makes the case for an independent evidence broker to make sure investments in education programs are evidence-based.

Response to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System
Mental Health Submission May 2019 Man with facial hair speaking with a woman
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Response to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System

In this submission, SVA shares its recommendations on the drivers of better mental health outcomes along with key recommendations to support change in the mental health sector.

2020-21 Pre-budget Submission to the Australian Government
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2020-21 Pre-budget Submission to the Australian Government

SVA’s submission recommends targeted investments to increase the impact of existing government spend, including a national education evidence institute and critical impact investing infrastructure