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163 to 168 of 271 results
2020-21 Supplementary Pre-Budget Submission
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2020-21 Supplementary Pre-Budget Submission

In this submission, SVA proposes the establishment of a one-off Charity Transformation Fund to support charities to continue to support Australia’s economy and society beyond the Covid-19 pandemic.

Submission to the Consultation on Victoria’s Social Enterprise Strategy 2021
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Submission to the Consultation on Victoria’s Social Enterprise Strategy 2021

SVA’s submission to this consultation highlights the need for supporting the supply side of the social enterprise market to meet rapidly growing demand.

2021-22 Pre-Budget Submission to the Australian Government
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2021-22 Pre-Budget Submission to the Australian Government

In this submission, SVA recommends a series of targeted investments to increase the social impact of existing government spend and extend the reach of programs that improve wellbeing in Australia.

Letter in Response to Indigenous Voice Co-Design Interim Report
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Letter in Response to Indigenous Voice Co-Design Interim Report

SVA’s submission is informed by the recommendations and voice of First Nations peoples and organisations with whom we have worked.

Response to the Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women
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Response to the Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women

Our response outlines our views on improving women’s economic equity focusing on support for single parents, older women at risk of homelessness and, as a major employer of women, the charity sector.

Response to the Inquiry into Workforce Australia Employment Services
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Response to the Inquiry into Workforce Australia Employment Services

SVA’s submission to the Inquiry draws on our 20-year experience in ensuring fair and equal employment opportunities for everyone in Australia.

Submission to South Australia’s Consultation on the Purpose of Public Education
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Submission to South Australia’s Consultation on the Purpose of Public Education

SVA’s submission to this consultation draws on our 20-year experience in improving outcomes for students experiencing disadvantage.

Response to Inquiry into Disruption in Australian Classrooms
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Response to Inquiry into Disruption in Australian Classrooms

In this response to the Inquiry, SVA shares what the best available evidence says about effective behaviour supports in schools and how to support educators to implement best practice.

Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Review of Philanthropy
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Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Review of Philanthropy

SVA’s submission to Productivity Commission’s Review draws on our long history in the sector to outline our views on the most effective ways to grow philanthropy in Australia.