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169 to 174 of 271 results
Submission to South Australian Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care
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Submission to South Australian Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care

SVA’s submission to the Royal Commission shares our views on the most effective ways to support better outcomes for young children, particularly those experiencing disadvantage.

Submission to the Early Years Strategy
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Submission to the Early Years Strategy

This submission to the Early Years Strategy is from the Restacking the Odds initiative. Its recommendations are drawn from the initiative’s research on addressing inequity in the early years.

  • Early Years
Submission to the Early Years Strategy Consultation
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Submission to the Early Years Strategy Consultation

In this submission, SVA makes recommendations to the Commonwealth Government on the national leadership role it can take to ensure every child receives the right support to get the best start in life.

Submission to Early Childhood Education and Care Inquiry
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Submission to Early Childhood Education and Care Inquiry

In this submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry, SVA outlines how the early childhood education and care system can work better for children and families experiencing disadvantage.

Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System
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Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System

SVA’s submission to this Review outlines the role of evidence mobilisation and collaborative networking in creating a better education system, plus responses to Consultation Paper questions.

National Strategy for the Care and Support Economy
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National Strategy for the Care and Support Economy

SVA’s response to the draft National Strategy for the Care and Support Economy highlights the need to consider the distinctive nature of not-for-profit employers, opposed to other types of providers.

Response to Early Childhood Education and Care Draft Report
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Response to Early Childhood Education and Care Draft Report

Our response to the Productivity Commission draft report on Early Childhood Education and Care shares our insights from our work on improving outcomes for children experiencing disadvantage.

Submission to the ACT Government Literacy and Numeracy Inquiry
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Submission to the ACT Government Literacy and Numeracy Inquiry

In this submission, SVA outlines ways to strengthen literacy and numeracy for students. Our recommendations are based on our experience with Evidence for Learning, an SVA-incubated initiative.

Response to Future Foundations for Giving Draft Report
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Response to Future Foundations for Giving Draft Report

SVA’s response to the Future Foundations for Giving draft report builds on earlier feedback provided to the Productivity Commission about the most effective ways to grow philanthropy in Australia.