The Resolve Social Benefit Bond (Resolve SBB) provides investors with an opportunity to generate a competitive financial return while improving the lives of people experiencing mental ill-health in NSW.

Investors fund the working capital of the Resolve Program, a recovery-orientated community support program which combines a residential service for periodic crisis care integrated psychosocial, medical and mental health support; and a warm line for after-hours support from peers.

The Resolve Program is delivered by Flourish Australia, a highly experienced mental health service provider and a national leader in the employment and support of mental health peer workers.

It is anticipated that approximately 530 adults will be supported by the Resolve Program over a seven-year service delivery period.

The Resolve Program supports each participant for up to two years and will be delivered in collaboration with the Nepean Blue Mountains and Western NSW Local Health Districts.

The Resolve SBB is expected to improve the mental health and wellbeing of participants, while generating significant savings for the NSW Government through a reduction in participants’ utilisation of health and other services, in particular by reducing the number of days spent in hospital. These savings will be shared with Flourish, to fund the delivery of the Resolve Program, and with investors to provide a financial return on their capital.

The Resolve SIB structure

Key features

  • Investor returns are linked to outcome payments made by the NSW Government to the Resolve SBB Trust, which are based on Government savings generated by the Resolve Program
  • Government savings are measured by comparing participants’ consumption of health services with that of a Control Group
  • 7.5 year bond term
  • 2% p.a fixed interest payments over 4.75 years, then performance coupons based on the level of Resolve SBB Trust assets
  • Termination rights limit downside loss to approximately 40% of principal
  • Target scenario estimated return 7.5% p.a (objective only)


Please note that the Resolve SBB is now closed for investment. For further details, please refer to the following documents:


SVA prepares a report on the results of the Resolve SBB:

Investor updates

Evaluation reports

Reports from the evaluation of the Resolve SBB are available.