20,000 People with disability with no housing
$10 billion Est investment required to build housing

Our impact

Synergis Fund successfully attracted institutional investors and now has a $600 million capacity. Its 130 investments have created safe, appropriate and affordable homes for over 500 people with disability.

Vision and objectives

We know there are a lack of quality homes for people with disability. We also know there is a lack of capital to build these homes.

A lack of appropriate housing means people with disability are living in unsuitable ways. This can look like living with ageing parents, or in nursing homes or hospitals. It often means they have no choice or control over how they live, or have less independence.

We created Synergis Fund to unlock new sources of capital to build these homes.

Role we played

We partnered with Federation Asset Management to create Synergis Fund by:

  • Creating a model with the person with disability at the centre, giving them choice and control over their lives
  • partnering with specialist developers and support providers who understand how to meet tenant’s needs for a home
  • establishing an advisory committee, which includes tenants and people with lived experience
  • creating a Disability Housing Outcomes Framework to measure the impact of Synergis Fund homes for tenants.

We designed Synergis Fund to make sure people with disability retained power, choice and control at all stages.


So far Synergis Fund has created safe, appropriate and affordable homes for over 500 people with disability. It attracted institutional investors and has a $600 million capacity.

Synergis Fund proves to large investors that investing in disability housing is viable. This is key to encouraging the scale of investment needed to address the disability housing shortfall in Australia. For our groundbreaking work on Synergis Fund, we received the [AFR Boss Best CSR Innovation Award].

Meet the team

From the start when SVA was first discussing the initiative to create Synergis Fund, we were extremely excited as it was clear that they had similar values to ours in wanting to create quality homes for people with disability that would maximise independence. They also had a vision to invest for the long term which is important to Illowra as we too want to provide the security of a home for life. ” Owen Jourdian • Managing Director, Illowra Projects (Synergis Fund partner)