Since 1997, the Wunan Foundation has driven positive change in socio-economic outcomes for Aboriginal people throughout the East Kimberley. Funded by the Department of Education, Skills, and Employment, Wunan is now delivering the Journey to Empowerment (J2E) pilot program to support participants on their journey to self-reliance, empowerment and employment.

Employment programs focusing on Aboriginal people too often adopt an approach that highlights Aboriginal communities’ disadvantage, rather than adopting a positive approach to community empowerment. J2E is an initiative that seeks to empower people to lead change in their own lives, with an entirely Aboriginal program team from the local community. As well as providing access to job training and permanent employment opportunities, J2E also provides cultural mentorship, physical and mental health support to ensure wrap around support for participants. It is a strengths-based approach that looks to recognise participants’ values and aspirations, working with them and supporting them along their individual journeys to achieve their goals and aspirations.

The project

Wunan commissioned SVA Consulting to undertake an evaluation of the Pilot J2E program by working closely alongside the wholly Aboriginal J2E team throughout the entirety of the pilot program.

The objective

Wunan is looking to prove the concept of the J2E pilot, identify opportunities for improvement and examine opportunities to upscale the program and replicate it elsewhere.

The role we played

SVA has been walking alongside the J2E program team throughout the set up and implementation of the pilot, assisting initially in the development of a program theory of change, evaluation plan and data collection tools.

As each phase of the evaluation progresses, the SVA team works closely with the J2E team to capture the right data and identify areas for improvement, so that the program can achieve the greatest positive impact for participants. We also work together to ensure that the impact is measured and communicated in a culturally responsive way.

“SVA have been a very supportive partner for the J2E program. From its inception, they have developed tools and resources to assist with the program and its participants on their individual journeys. As the program has evolved, there has been a journey not only for the participants, but a collaborative journey between the J2E staff and SVA, all aimed at improving the outcomes for our people.”” David Cox J2E Manager, Wunan Foundation

Project impact

The evaluation has validated that the individualised, adaptive, and responsive nature of the program, along with the local, all Aboriginal team as key enablers of success for participants in the J2E program. The J2E and SVA teams are continuing to learn together, developing a greater understanding of how to capture relevant and culturally responsive data for Aboriginal-led programs such as J2E, to enable ongoing monitoring, improvement and communication of the impact the J2E program is making for participants.

Meet the team